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Employers – it’s all about EmployAbility in the Midlands


  • Do you have recruitment needs in the Midlands
  • Do you have a vacancy that you are looking to fill
  • Is recruitment taking up too much of your time
  • Would you like assistance in sourcing suitable employees

We can provide you with employment assistance and access to our pool of potential employees with varying levels of skills, abilities and training. Use our professional job matching service to help ensure successful recruitment and take advantage of our advice and information on additional employment supports.



Jobseekers available for short or unsocial hours

Pool of Jobseekers to fill full or part time positions

Work experience placements
at no cost

Advice & Information on additional supports

On site assitance with induction - if required

Opportunity to promote your business as an Equal Opportunities Employer

On site assistance with induction - if required

Why Choose Us? 

Our team is comprised of a group of Employment Officers with different professional backgrounds. We have achieved a good balance of disability awareness but also business awareness. We understand the needs of employers. We understand the pressure people are under to compete in a business or service environment.

We are aware of your concerns regarding compliance, legislation and health and safety in the workplace. We are driven to place people to improve the quality of their lives, realise their dreams and goals and therefore find them a good fit in terms of job placement.

We strive at all times to find the right person for the right job and create good job matches. We want to assist you, the employer, in creating equal opportunities with positive outcomes for both parties. To achieve our goals we really need to give you a good service that meets your needs as an employer.

We can reduce your recruitment costs

Advertising vacancies on-line or in newspapers can be very expensive and also the time dedicated to selecting suitable people for interview from hundreds of applications. Why not call us and see if we have any suitable candidates who are already assessed, matched and ready to take up employment?


EmployAbility Midlands supports both the employer and co-workers in facilitating the integration of people with disabilities, illness and injury into the workplace.
Our ongoing employment support means

Assistance with your recruitment needs at no cost

Pool of potential employees for job placement with varying levels of skills, abilities and training

Professional job matching service

Advice and information on additional employment supports such as the Wage Subsidy Scheme and the Jobs Plus Scheme

Opportunity to promote your business as an equal opportunities employer
Regular review of employee performance.


An Employment Officer will be assigned to provide a range of supports for employers as follows


  • FREE Recruitment and Employment Service
  • On-Site/Off-Site Employment Officer support between new employee and employer
  • Database of Job Seekers – matching employee Skills and Abilities to job vacancy
  • Support for the Job Seeker can be up to 12 months from the start of the service
  • Support from a professional team of Job Coaches
  • Advice on Employment Grants and Supports – refer to DSP website
  • Advice on the Wage Subsidy Scheme – (WSS) can offer financial assistance for private sector employers to encourage them to employ people with disabilities for a minimum of 15 hours per week





EmployAbility Services are funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Social Protection.
Tá Seirbhísí Infhostaitheachta maoinithe ag Rialtas na hÉireann tríd An Roinn Coimirce Sóisialaí.

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